It has been quite some time since I have decided to sit down and actually attempt to put my thoughts down on this blog. Rather than typing away in some strange echo chamber of the internet, I found solace in the written word found in any number of journals, notebooks, margins of books, etc. It wasn't until about a week ago that the desire to begin this blog again was relit. For those who know me, I watch politics like other people play Fantasy Football. I am constantly intrigued at how Americans, in particular, view themselves in political life. Unfortunately, it seems that most Americans have decided that if a particular candidate does not win, it somehow negates the entirety of not only the electoral process but the nature of our Constitutional Republic as well. Please notice that I wrote Republic, not Democracy. They are not the same. That statement will be addressed in a later post. As for now, I believe it is time to go back to the First Things. So for the next few entries, the focus of this particular blog will attempt to answer the question, what do we make of our political life?